
French Interactive Games CDROM


LCP French Interactive 1 & 2

Two Thirds were commissioned to produce two CDROMs of interactive games for Language Center Publications to allow children to reinforce there knowledge of French in there own time or as part of a class led activity. The Discs consist of 6 dynamic games driven by XML data, using a bank of audio and illustrations resulting in over 92 different games per disc that are different every time there played.

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Mac & PC the Propaganda V’s the truth Part I

OSX, Windows

So its finally happened, I finally turned against my Christian up bring and University Education … I took a massive man made (I like to think hand crafted) slab of brushed aluminium and stabbed it right in to my old friend Bill Gates back.

Thats right boys and girls I’ve turned to the dark polo neck jumper side and bought a macbook pro. Like the preverbal lamb I have joined the increasing number of XP generation techies turning to Mac since the intel revolution at Cupertino.

So what’s happened to make us switch?

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